Humidity and Rain Detection Sensor Module PinOuts and Tutorials


Humidity and Rain Detection Sensor Module can use many Arduino projects. In this article we will show:

  • What is humidity and how detected?
  • What is rain detection and how?
  • Humidity and rain detection sensor module description.
  • Humidity and rain detection sensor module description application notes.
  • Humidity and rain detection sensor module description pinouts.
  • Top 10 sample arduino humidity and rain detecting projects.

What is humidity and how detected?

Humidity is water vapor in air or elsewhere. Pure water is’nt conductive. But Water Vapor in air is’nt pure. So conducts electricity when condense.

There are many humidity sensors. One of most using humidity sensor is DHT11. DHT11 can measure temperature at the same time.


DTH11 arduino module or direct DHT11 components can be use for humidtymeter for projects. For use this module, you must give to VCC for 5V. GND must be connected to GND pin (- pin) of power supply. You take humidity DATA from DATA pin.

There is sample DHT11 projects below: 

You can use DHT11 Adafruit library. 

You can use this example arduino code: Click for code


What is rain detection and how?

Raindrop can be used as a switch. Rain sensor module can use for this purpose. Arduino rain sensor module is below picture.


Some Specifications:

  • You can use as rain detection switch.
  • Rain board and control board is seperate. In this way, a safer operation is providing.
  • It has power indicator led for easy use.
  • Sensivity has adjusted though a potentiometer.
  • It has analog outputs. So it can detect amount of raindrops.
  • Plate area: 5cm x 4cm nickel plate.
  • Anti-oxidation, anti conductivity
  • There is output signal over 15 mA. So It has driving ability.
  • 5V working voltage.
  • Outputs: 0-1 Digital output and A0 analog output.

Rain Sensor Module PinOuts


Rain Sensor Module PinOuts

DO: Digital Outputs: Only 0,1 or On-Off control

AO: Analog Outputs: You must use AO outputs if you want to measure raindrop amount.

Rain Sensor Module Wiring Diagram


Rain Sensor Module Schematic Diagram

LM 393 is dual comparator ic that produced by Texas Instruments. You can look at datasheet of LM393 for more information.


Rain Sensor Module Arduino Code

void setup(){
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); 


void loop(){

//analog output 

if(analogRead(0)<300) Serial.println("Heavy Rain"); 
else if(analogRead(0)<500) Serial.println("Moderate Rain"); 
else Serial.println("No Rain"); 
// //digital output 
if(digitalRead(2) == HIGH) Serial.println("No Rain Detected"); // 
else Serial.println("Rain Detected"); delay(250); 




Top 10 Rain and Humidity Sensor projects

  1. Arduino rain sensor application –

2. Arduino Temperature, Humidity and Rain Sensor –

3. Arduino Wireless Weather Station Project –

4. Arduino Weather Station (AWS) –

5. Build Your Own Arduino Weather Station –

6. Humidity Sensor-Controlled Bathroom Exhaust Fan –

7. Open Weather Station – Link

8. Rainfall Detector – Link

9. Interfacing Rain Sensor with Arduino –

10. Arduino Rain Sensor Module Guide and Tutorial – HenrySite


DHT11 sensor use for Humidity and Temperature. Rain Detector use for raindrop detecting. What do you want to do? A Weather Station? I added 10 sample project links above. You can do one of them.


  1. How can I get sensor to not be so sensitive? Approximately 1 droplet of water will equal a flood and a few sprinkles equal a rain warning.


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